Our Services
Advanced technical expertise
Our Services
Advanced technical expertise
Environmental Consulting
BIG`s environmental professionals have been assessing environmental conditions of sites and providing cost-effective solutions that focuses on complying with various regulations and obtaining the necessary permits for a variety of development projects.
Phase One and Two Environmental Site Assessments
Remediation of impacted Soil and Groundwater
Filing Record of Site Conditions (RSC)
Risk Assessments – An option available to site owners whether or not physical remediation is required to allow the continued use or reuse of a property. This process allows owners to cost effectively develop the property with minimal or no remediation and managing the site through engineered mitigation measures
Vapour Intrusion assessment and design of vapour mitigation systems
Geotechnical Engineering
A key aspect of any development project is the study of subsurface materials, soil and rock, and their interaction between the proposed structures and these materials. It is vital to have a design and construction team member who can connect the site subsurface information and structures that are proposed on the lands. BIG provides the owner with the geotechnical expertise and the integrated services to help make your project a success.
BIG has accredited geotechnical and construction materials testing laboratories capable of performing a wide variety of tests necessary for characterization of the soil. All of this is supported by our internal quality assurance and safety plans with the goal of providing our clients with the subsurface and site information necessary for a successful project.
Subsurface Investigation
In-Situ Testing
Laboratory Testing
Foundation Analysis and Design
Seismic Evaluations
Earth Retaining Structures
Landfill Exploration
Construction Recommendations
Pavement Analysis and Design
Construction Materials Testing
BIG can manage the construction services on any size and type of project — from residential, commercial and industrial properties. BIG can provide required services on a turn-key basis or as required basis.
Our services can include the materials testing as well as the special Inspection services for compliance with the Building Code. The following is a listing of typical services that we offer:
Foundation construction observations / inspections
Soil compaction testing and inspection
Concrete batch plant inspection
Concrete strength testing, concrete mix designs, and in-place strength investigations
Inspection of concrete placement and concrete curing
Post-tensioning and reinforcing steel inspection
Asphalt batch plant and pavement construction inspection
Complete laboratory testing of soil, concrete, asphalt and other construction materials
Field inspection and quality control of masonry construction
Mortar, grout, block and brick testing
Hydrogeological studies are required in support of development projects involving a change in land use to ensure that groundwater and its uses will not adversely impact the environment. BIG can evaluate if the construction dewatering would dry up the adjacent wells, river or cause settlement of adjacent structures.
Typical Services that BIG provides include the following:
Construction Dewatering Assessment
Groundwater Resource Assessment
Groundwater Protection Study
Water Balance study
Permit to Take Water
Negotiating with City and/or Municipality for short-term and long-term groundwater discharge permits
Modeling or forecasting groundwater behavior for various development scenario
Ground Water Recharge or Infiltration Studies to determine the impact of the proposed development on ground water recharge. This is an important factor in maintaining stream flows and aquifers.
Innovative Soil and Groundwater Remediation
BIG staff has demonstrated excellent results in replacing long-term pump and treat systems with a number of other either in-situ or ex-situ remediation systems. Apart from implementing injections of different types of oxidants when soil texture is favourable, BIG has access to a proprietary product Enzymix solution which can be used to treat a number of organic compounds including chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and a number of polychlorinated biphenyls.
Enzymix is an enzyme solution that transforms organic contaminants into innocuous substance
The enzymes are derived from earthworms
Works in soils and groundwater
It has been proven to be effective for the degradation of transformer oil (PCB), chlorinated hydrocarbons and solvents including DDT, TCE, PCE, and vinyl chloride
This technology has the ability to split all hydrocarbon derivatives, including Phenols, kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, crude oil, motor oil, benzenes and petroleum-based products
The product works quickly – 3 to 6 months
Application of the enzymes is simple as the enzyme solution can be directly applied
Can be very simply implemented in-situ – injection wells
Cost-effective compared to other forms of remediation
Can be used in conjunction with other remedial measures
No secondary waste generated
Safe – there are no safety concerns with application or transportation of the enzyme or its final product.
Reliable with no rebound